The sustainable recovery of the planet

As we already know, the Earth needs to recover. That’s why we talk about the sustainable recovery of the planet. That is, a recovery that defends the enduring, savings and care of resources and avoids unnecessary damage to our world.

We therefore call sustainable recovery, which is based on three areas: economic, social and climate. That is, the one that allows to recompose the planet, healing the damage caused and strengthening its structure for those who can come.

The European Commission argues that transformation must be green, digital and resilient. In this way, a climate-neutral and social Union will be achieved. The recovery program is called Next Generation UE.

An effort on the part of all

This transformation, as you imagine, requires effort. But, this effort must be made on the part of all, it must be global. All countries in the world must deal with the pandemic and economic crisis; but also to the climate emergency. A sync is required to optimize resources and gain speed.

Some of the measures to consider are:

  • Betting on renewable energy.
  • Decarbonize the economy.
  • Make sustainability to be present in every agreement, investment and business that is made.
  • Ensure resources such as energy.
  • Make basic rights such as sanitation and clean water accessible to all.
  • Promote sustainable mobility.
  • Build bridges between communities.

Common strategy for all

In this recovery, it is intended that all countries should be in addition to a common strategy, in order to also achieve common benefits. These benefits are:

  • Employability: generate 38 million new jobs by 2030 thanks to the boost of renewables.
  • Emissions reduction: carbon neutrality by 2050.
  • Health: reduce diseases and deaths caused by pollution and air quality.
  • Agile recovery from the current crisis.

Sustainability and recovery of the planet must therefore be a common goal. At Nostresol we encourage you, individually, to switch to renewable energies. This way, you can put your grain of sand into making this planet a better world.