It is important to know some tricks to save on our electricity bill, now that we spend 24 hours a day at home. As we well know, in both summer and winter, electricity bills are triggered mainly by the use of air conditioning devices. Now it’s time to plan how you can save energy and we advise you how to:

Your particular spending

It’s important that as we do in any cost planning, you summarize everything you spend on light at home. It’s important to include the appliances and all the types of appliances you use. This will allow you to detect if there are electrical devices or extra bulbs that can be suppressed. It will also allow you to assess whether some habits and customs at home can be varied.
In order to reach these conclusions, it’s interesting to know which appliances spend the most on a home. You can check it in the report provided by the Institute for Diversification and Energy Savings (IDAE).

The most common habits to save light at home

Some of the recommendations for changing habits that can help you save at home and that will give you more than proven results:

  • Take advantage of natural light.
  • Use LED bulbs.
  • Turns off all devices completely when not in use.Keep your appliances cleaned properly.
  • Use your appliances’ energy-efficient mode whenever you can if they allow it.
  • In winter, it wears warmer clothes and saves an hour of daily heating.
  • Find the most routine-friendly time slots by making the most of your time discrimination rate.
  • Turn off lights when you leave home.
  • Properly close windows and doors when using a heating system.
  • Use the residual heat from the iron for garments that need less ironing.
  • Use the residual heat from the oven to finish cooking your dishes.

These are some of the most effective tricks when it comes to saving, but without a doubt, the great savings in light is achieved by betting on renewable energies. At Nostresol we are committed to the future of energy self-consumption, since the best option that exists in the market to save is to nourish themselves of solar energy. Solar energy is the present and the future and with Nostresol you have it very easy to start. What are you waiting for?