los equipos de nostresol

Nostresol’s panels: Solimpeks

Many of you have been asking about the equipment we work with. Today, we will tell you all about the provenance, production and quality of Nostresol‘s panels. The equipment we sell is TSM-200, TSM-300 and TSM-400, from Solimpeks. Why Solimpeks? Solimpeks is a pioneer in Turkey, having more than 35 years of experience in developing…

coches fotovoltaicos

Photovoltaic cars will arrive to stay

There are already many car brands that are innovating and betting on photovoltaic energy. They intend to use this type of energy as the main source to boost their vehicles. Photovoltaic cars are a trend that arrives to stay. Today, many brands dedicated to the technology and automotive sector collaborate with each other to maximize…

Sweden turns trash into electricity

From NostreSol we collect examples of good practices with the environment that are being carried out in the world. The case of Sweden, the country that turns trash into electricity, is a clear example of efficiency, sustainability and intelligence. For a few years now, Sweden has become one of the countries with the greatest environmental…

Cómo ahorrar en tu factura de luz este verano

How to save on your electricity bill this summer

At NostreSol we give you some tips to learn how to save on your electricity bill this summer. Despite false beliefs, you can reduce your light consumption with small habits that won’t cost you much to internalize. Every summer we look for the magic formula to save on our bills, but have you ever tried…

Solar panels have produced more energy during confinement

We have already heard on several occasions that, during the months we have been confined, the level of global pollution has dropped markedly. The lockdown measures taken to prevent the spread of Covid-19 have made the heavens look clearer and cleaner around the world. This is why solar panels have produced more energy during confinement.…